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Forecasting For Success In 2021

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This month’s edition of The BAASS Times will explore the ways that Forecasting using current and historical data can allow you to have accurate predictions for future trends and decision making. The ability to use business technology is at its highest level of importance to position yourself for continued growth and future success. We will explore how Business Intelligence can allow you to leverage Forecasting for your business to grow for years to come.
Budgeting vs. Forecasting

Budgeting vs. Forecasting

Wouldn’t it be nice to see into the future of your business? With business forecasting, this is a reality. Read about how you can utilize forecasting to offer visibility into data, allowing your business to adjust and adapt to future predictions by optimizing resources.

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Sage Enterprise Intelligence

Making timely and informed decisions is critical to running a business. However, many organizations struggle to keep up with the growing amount of data being collected. To gain a competitive edge, data needs to be converted into tangible insights and opportunities. Watch and learn how Sage Enterprise Intelligence integrates with Sage 300.

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Learn about Wiseplanner Sales Forecasting

Wiseplanner: Sales Forecasting

WisePlanner Sales Forecasting is an essential application designed to provide all sales and financial professionals the ability to accurately forecast future sales. This tool offers a solution that streamlines criteria selection, sales forecast production, and data tracking as a package that provides value to businesses of all sizes.

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Organ Recovery Systems

Organ Recovery Systems understood that they needed to implement a Business Intelligence (BI) solution to give them better access to their operational and financial data. Learn how they now have a fully connected ERP system.

Read The Whole Story ›

Client Success - Organ Recovery Systems
why forecasting


Watch our short video explaining Why Forecasting is Important for Business Success.


BI Training

We offer business owners and other users of the Sage Intelligence products learning courses.

These courses will improve the overall knowledge and skills of Sage Intelligence and Excel users, empowering you to spend less time capturing data, and more time gathering insights in reports that are clear, relevant, and drive decisions.

Sage Intelligence Navigation This course will illustrate the Navigation to use Sage Intelligence reporting.

Sage Intelligence - Report Designer Focus on creating financial reports in Sage Intelligence Reporting using the Report Designer. You will learn how to use the Task Pane (previously called the Report Designer Add-In) features of the Report Designer.

Sage Intelligence - Connector Are you ready to create your own Sage Intelligence reports? This virtual classroom course will lead you through basic report design with Sage Intelligence. In this course, you will learn to create your own reports and new data containers.


Looking for more tips and solutions?

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