Working remotely is and can be a very sharp double-edged sword. Yes, you now get to reduce your commute and get to stay home, but this can be harder for many due to the lack of routine.
Plus the distractions - whether it’s your children wanting your attention, a pile of dishes in the sink that suddenly looks more appealing than your work to-do list, or a quick three-hour binge of that one Netflix show you’ve been dying to watch, staying productive at home will for most take a little extra effort. Here are five tips to help you reclaim your 9 to 5, and boost productivity.
Create a Morning Routine
Working from home can take away your regular routine. With that in mind, create a new at-home morning routine that will set you up for productivity. Set your alarm, take a shower, and make sure to change out of your jammies - this will help transform your mind for the day.
Find or create your working space
Make sure to define a specific working area - this will help you align your focus while working. If you have a small apartment or condo this may be difficult. However, if you take a moment and look around you will definitely be able to find somewhere to designate your ‘At Home Office’.
Stick to your 9-5
When you are working from home, it can be easy to start to overwork. Make sure to be clear about the working hours and have a shutdown time. By defining this time you are able to stay focused on work and unplug at the end of the day.
Eat Well + Drink Water
Make sure to keep your energy levels and immune system up by fueling your body with healthy foods. Not sure what that means, make sure to follow the food guide when setting up your plates. Do remember to hydrate with water! Not just coffee. Drinking water will help you stay focused and help push away the 2 pm slump.
Take Breaks
Even though you may be cranking on a deadline, make sure to take a 5-10 minute pause from work. This will help you mentally and physically recharge. You will be able to come back more focused. If your partner is also working from home or have young ones - this can be a moment to connect with them.
We hope these tips help you start your day right, carve out some space in your home for the work area, keep you on track with your schedule, give you a moment to breathe and stay healthy. We are all experiencing the uncertainty of the times and the best and more important tip is - do what is best for your health and sanity.
Looking for more tips to succeed at working from home?
7 Tips on How to Improve Cyber Security While Working Remotely
4 Ways to Make Remote Project Management Stress Free
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