There are many ways to measure past success and indeed predict your future success. The most common methods revolve around navel gazing exercises that involve a microscopic review of financial results.
While I absolutely agree that it is important for organizations to track and measure financial results, and make decisions based on them, I believe it is every bit as important to measure the happiness of your existing customers to predict future success.
How Do We Do It?
BAASS has participated once again in the Customer Loyalty project offered by Sage.
This initiative is in addition to the in-product surveys that regularly measure the Net Promoter Score (NPS). The program provides an opportunity to seek feedback, reach out to our customers, obtain their feedback and gain insight into how Plus and Sage are serving their needs.
The Results
I am over the moon about our results which not only exceeded many others but also blew away our results from last year. I will share some highlights here:
Our response rate increased from 16% to 40.8%, in the top 10 of participants in the program, a huge increase in participation. Thank you so very much to all of our customers who participated.
Our NPS score went from 54.17% to 76.92%, another massive increase. We are particularly proud of this number and will continue to focus on increasing this measure. For those of you who are curious how this number is calculated, see the diagram below for the method.
The final performance measurement is our ranking as compared to our Peers. In this regard we continue to be in the top performers, with our results in the top ten in North America for Partners who provide services for Sage 300 (formerly Accpac) ERP.
We believe our high NPS score will translate into more referrals and therefore additional opportunities to add value to even more organizations next year and beyond.
You Can do it Too!
I absolutely love this process and encourage everyone to take the opportunity to seek the feedback of the silent majority. If the results are good then celebrate! If the results are bad, wow, what an opportunity to gain insight into the perception and thoughts of your customers about your products and services.
I would be more than happy to chat about this process and provide assistance to any of our customers who wish to explore doing something like this in their own organizations.
If you want to read more about this process this website has a ton of great information:
Thank you to all the people and companies that we work with every day here at Plus. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to assist you with your success.
I would like to take this opportunity to also wish you, your organizations, families and extended families the very best of the season and continued success and prosperity in the coming year.