Error: Sage 300 ERP UI Container Has Stopped Working


Error: Sage 300 ERP UI Container Has Stopped Working

Problem Details:

If the columns in the timecard entry screen have been customized, entering details in a Payroll timecard may result in the following error:

"Sage 300 ERP UI Container has stopped working"



This issue is specific to Sage 300 Version 2014. 

Customization may include moving columns to different locations on the screen, or hiding columns that are not needed.  Restoring the columns to the default settings is necessary to correct the problem.

  1. Launch the Payroll Timecards
  2. Ensure there is a timecard on the screen 
  3. In the detail grid, right-click on the column headings and select 'Restore Defaults'
Bonnie Wittmeier

About The Author

Bonnie Wittmeier

Bonnie is a senior tech support consultant at BAASS and has over 30 years of experience with Sage300 – firstly as an accounting professional and end-user and secondly as a support technician. Her visibility into both sides of the fence gives her a unique understanding of the issues facing our customers.