Error Message: 'You Do Not Have a License To Use This Product'

Image of puzzle pieces on wooden table
Problem Details:
The following error may occur when opening a company:

"You do not have a license to use this product."



This may be caused by a Windows user account that has insufficient rights to the Sage 300 Shared Data directory and Sage cannot read the license files.

    1. Check the Sage 300 Shared Data directory path in the registry, HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ACCPAC International, Inc.\ACCPAC\Configuration 
    2. Confirm that this is the same location displayed in the registry from a workstation(s) that can open a company successfully 
    3. Check the user permissions for the Sage 300 Shared Data directory.  Windows user accounts must have full access to the folders and sub-folders. 


  • Right-click on the Sage 300 'Shared data folder' and select Properties
  • Click on the Security tab
  • Verify that the Domain/user name is displayed in the Group or user names window 
  • Highlight the affected user, and check the Permissions grid.  Ensure that 'Full Control' is selected for the user and that they have access to Modify, Read & execute, List folder contents, Read, and Write.


Note: The above steps have resolved a majority of these issues. In some cases there is a second registry key in the HKCU\Software\ACCPAC INTERNATIONAL, INC. that is causing the error.
Bonnie Wittmeier

About The Author

Bonnie Wittmeier

Bonnie is a senior tech support consultant at BAASS and has over 30 years of experience with Sage300 – firstly as an accounting professional and end-user and secondly as a support technician. Her visibility into both sides of the fence gives her a unique understanding of the issues facing our customers.