Recently I was reading the Sage ERP Business management Blog and found this article.
It title seems obvious and intuitive yet based on results it appears that still the majority of ERP projects are not on time or on budget.
I asked myself why?
Do organizations still prefer time and materials based implementations where the chances of the fee being less than the estimate are worse that winning a lottery?
Check out this humorous video on website called the billable hour scratch and win and see why Plus believes in offering our customers fixed fee pricing.
Check out our commitments to our customers to see what Plus is doing to restore confidence in ERP implementation by ensuring projects do not go over budget.
Also see how the Plus PIllar methodology focuses on planning as the key to a successful project. To plan properly and to restore and give our customers confidence we perform a confidence boost.
It is disturbing that these trends still occur in our industry. These type of statistics are appalling to us and it is our goal and our mission to ensure that Plus customers never have a negative experience as describe in the Sage Blog.
If you would like to learn more about where our methodology, our guarantees and our commitments all begin please download a sample of our confidence boost on this page. The form is available on the right hand side of the page.
Please comment on your confidence with ERP implementations. Did your last implementation complete on time and on budget? If not why? If so why?