Eliminate Problematic Scheduling Issues with Employee Self Service


Many companies worldwide are foregoing the old-fashioned employee schedules that were typically posted one week in advance in or near the HR office of your company. Where all of your employees would then flock and gather to check their schedules for the week and write them down to bring home with them.

Employees need to keep track of their work schedules if their work hours tend to fluctuate and vary from week-to-week. This ensures reliability and accountability on the end of the employee. However, there are problems with this old method of schedule posting.

Scheduling problems arise when:

  • An employee accidentally writes down the wrong schedule in a hurry.
  • An employee loses their schedule at home and can’t reach a manager or supervisor at work to find out when their next shift is.
  • An employee forgets to write down their schedule.

These are situations that can arise from simple human error and are highly avoidable with the implementation of employee self-service software.


Problems Eliminated

With Sage CRM Custom Scheduler software implementation in your company, your employees can instantly and easily access their schedules from anywhere and anytime, even from the comfort of their own homes. They can access this information day or night when it's convenient for them.

This is a cost-effective solution to an ageless problem with scheduling. When an employee is able to access their work schedules via the world-wide-web, this eliminates problems with no-call no-show’s or call out’s due to frequent scheduling issues.

Eliminating this type of problem ensures increased company profits by improving employee productivity. It also eliminates employees calling in to get their schedules, which is another time consuming task for managers, HR personnel and supervisors on the other end of the phone who have more important things to do with their time.

Other Key Benefits

Other key benefits of employee self service includes the ability to update personal contact information, access important employee benefit information, and view recent performance reviews.

Employees can request time-off, update pertinent tax information completely customize their profile. This is a time saving and cost-effective solution that every company should implement if they haven’t already.

To learn more about how BAASS Business Solutions can help you to integrate employee self service software into your business for accurate record keeping, increased employee productivity, and increased revenues, contact us today.

BAASS Consultant

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BAASS Consultant