Error in Financial Reporter After Upgrading Excel


Error in Financial Reporter After Upgrading Excel

Problem Details:

Errors when launching FR Statement Designer:

"Runtime Error '1004': Cannot run the macro 'RemoveAutoStartFiles'" 

or "cmdStart: Error on running installedAddinAndXLStart in xla macro"


Check your version of Excel.  These errors indicate that a 64-bit version of Excel is being used, and Sage is not compatible with 64-bit Excel. You will need to downgrade to 32-bit Excel

BAASS Author

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BAASS Author

BAASS Business Solutions customer-centric, collaborative approach has enabled us to expand our team and office locations throughout the years. BAASS has over 20 locations throughout Canada, the US and Caribbean. Our success has been built on a simple formula - deliver what we promise and build long-term win-win relationships.