BAASS Author

BAASS Author
BAASS Business Solutions customer-centric, collaborative approach has enabled us to expand our team and office locations throughout the years. BAASS has over 20 locations throughout Canada, the US and Caribbean. Our success has been built on a simple formula - deliver what we promise and build long-term win-win relationships.
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Recent Posts

Self-Service Business intelligence

By BAASS Author | Mar 28, 2022 3:08:01 PM

Business Intelligence is becoming ever more important for organizations. It can help harness the power of an organization’s data by reviewing, comparing, sorting, and reporting it in a way that is easy to comprehend. With business intelligence solutions, businesses can make more informed and actionable decisions. Of the benefits that can be reaped, businesses are able to streamline processes, automate tasks, increase productivity for workflows, and make more educated decisions. 

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2022 Business Intelligence Trends

By BAASS Author | Mar 18, 2022 2:54:52 PM

What is Business Intelligence?

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Financial Benefits of ERP

By BAASS Author | Feb 16, 2022 9:19:53 AM

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a management software that helps organizations integrate various business functions into one complete system. This helps with streamlining processes and information across the entire organization. ERP software supports various functions including finance, manufacturing, project management, accounting, and more! 

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ERP + Warehouse Fulfillment Systems

By BAASS Author | Feb 7, 2022 4:31:48 PM

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems integrate various functions into one robust system that can be used organization-wide. These functions include finance, accounting, CRM, project management, manufacturing, and more. With ERP solutions, organizations are able to streamline their business processes and increase efficiency overall. The three main types of ERP are hybrid, in-house, and cloud, each with their own respective benefits. 

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The Great Resignation

By BAASS Author | Jan 21, 2022 4:05:53 PM

“The Great Resignation” – what is it and how did it happen? Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, many have experienced great changes in their lives. Not only is the world and economy rapidly shifting around us, but so are our own expectations or values. In the workplace, we have witnessed a big shift to employees who are working from home or remotely; many companies are even forgoing some of their office space in light of the shift to hybrid or fully online workforces. 

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HR: Managing Employees Remotely

By BAASS Author | Jan 17, 2022 4:32:38 PM

With the pandemic, we have seen a surge in health and safety protocols everywhere.

Whether it be enhanced sanitation measures, daily temperature checks, or curbside pick-up options, organizations have been pivoting to try to keep both customers and employees safe. One main facet that has affected many employees and employers has been the shift to working remotely. While this is not a new feat with many workers already working remotely as part of their job, an increasing number of organizations have shifted the majority of their workforce to working from home in hopes of reducing the spread of COVID. Not only is this an adjustment for employees, but employers also saw their share of change with the need to manage a remote workforce. There is no doubt that managing a remote workforce has its own challenges such as the need to maintain communication with employees, as well as the need for technology to keep everyone in touch and on the same page. 

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Best Practices for Upgrading and Updating Sage Software

By BAASS Author | Sep 10, 2021 3:39:04 PM

When updating or upgrading sage software it is important to be aware of best practices to ensure a successful and efficient process. In this blog, we will provide insights and answers to some of the common questions surrounding upgrades and updates.

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6 Reasons Why You Should Choose Cloud Hosting

By BAASS Author | Sep 8, 2021 1:28:22 PM

Nowadays, many organizations are shifting to the cloud to leverage the numerous benefits that come along with it. In the current landscape, the cloud is constantly being developed to further manage the needs of modern organizations. As you may have experienced, there are also many terms associated with the cloud that describe technical differences in it. 

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