Is the Cloud Right for You? Consider these 5 Things


With more and more businesses adopting cloud technology and moving their systems to hosted servers, your company has likely thought about if it is the best option for you as well. However, there are a number of things you need to consider before deciding if this is the right transition for your company. This blog will cover a few questions to ask yourself and your selected provider before making a decision.

1. Can the cloud handle your resource needs?

Before researching specifics about Cloud Solutions available to you, it’s essential to identify your existing resources and create a transparent understanding of your needs. It is crucial to look at each piece of your company’s hardware to determine if the cloud can handle moving your business successfully to the new platform.

You will need to consider all of your applications, servers, databases, storage, and other components to find the most appropriate cloud services to replace them. In addition to these, it is important to talk to your staff and key software users to address needs, willingness, and thoughts on cloud adoption throughout the organization.


2. Is the Cloud compatible with current solutions?


It is critical to make sure any software licenses you have are compatible with a new cloud solution. Otherwise, you won’t be able to host it on a remote server. This process is even more significant if you are planning on using hybrid cloud infrastructure with legacy systems, as they may not be compatible. At BAASS we offer a hosting service called The BAASS Cloud, which is run by our IT company Lanetco Computer Networks Inc.

View our blog: Cloud Security Myths Debunked


3. Which type of Cloud Hosting is best for your business?

There are various types of cloud hosting available: Private, Public, Hybrid and Multi. It is important to look into each type of cloud hosting and address which option is best for your company. A quick way to differentiate these are:

Private Cloud

Private Cloud Hosting

Public Cloud

public cloud hosting

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud Hosting


Multi-Cloud Hosting

Only your data is hosted

Servers are shared with multiple companies & individuals

A combination of  private or public & may include on-premise software

Shared with multiple entities, & a combination of multiple Public Clouds

You can find more information on the types of cloud hosting here:

Learn More

4. What security does your selected provider offer?

It is important to have policies and procedures in place regarding security. Experienced vendors should be able to inform you of exactly how your data is being backed up, where it is stored, and how they are taking extra measures to make sure your data is secure. Some questions you will want to ask your selected vendor are:

  • Where are their data centres located?
  • Who can access these centres and how is access is provided?
  • What security measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access or cyberattacks?
  • Will the provider notify you if a breach in security occurs?
  • How responsive will the vendor be to support requests?
View our blog: 7 Ways to Secure Your Data In The Cloud
5. Are you in a place where you are ready to transition?

Please note that moving to the cloud doesn’t need to be a sudden transition, the cloud contains a higher risk of being adopted prematurely by an organization then traditional software due to its appeal of being a simple move. It is important to take the following questions above into consideration before starting this move. 

Once you have considered the questions discussed, your company should have a good understanding of your needs as well as what cloud solutions may be best for your company. This blog is meant to guide your process, please listen to your selected vendor’s advice, as they are the experts who will look directly into your solutions and work with you to get the best end result.

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Remington Hall

About The Author

Remington Hall

Remington has a great understanding of Sage and Microsoft Business Management Software Solutions. At BAASS Remington works within the Marketing Department as a Marketing Coordinator, she uses her knowledge and creativity to plan and execute marketing collateral with her team to educate customers on the services and solutions that BAASS has to offer.