Looking Ahead to 2024

By Sarah Ellen Horsfall | Feb 1, 2024 3:33:14 PM

In January’s blog, we identified a few economic trends that affected several industry sectors in Q4 2023. These trends continue to impose challenges on businesses for the start of 2024 with little growth projected in Q1. There is a general expectation that growth will gradually pick up later in the year as inflation decreases to between 2% - 3%.

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Tailored Solutions for Industry Challenges in Canada's 2024 Economy

By Pradeep Kushwah | Jan 22, 2024 9:40:00 AM

As BAASS Business Solutions, we understand the intricacies Canadian businesses face, especially against the backdrop of the evolving economic landscape. In this blog, we review Canada's economic outlook from 2023 and identify major challenges impacting key industry verticals.

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Embrace Change with BAASS: Navigating Year End with CDCP's New T4/T4A Boxes

By Pradeep Kushwah | Jan 3, 2024 8:16:12 PM

Exciting times lie ahead as we dive into the changes brought by the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP). BAASS Business Solutions is here to guide you through the transformation and ensure a seamless transition as you prepare for fiscal year end payroll adjustments.Let's understand this further. 

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Mastering Year-End Payroll: Your Essential Checklist

By Pradeep Kushwah | Dec 11, 2023 10:28:54 AM

As 2023 nears an end, businesses prepare for year-end payroll processing to ensure a seamless transition into 2024. In this blog post, we provide an expertly crafted checklist to guide your payroll administrator through each step, and show how to achieve how to achieve flawless year-end payroll administration.

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Mastering Warehouse Efficiency: A Deep Dive into the Function of Warehouse Management Systems

By Pradeep Kushwah | Oct 30, 2023 11:28:47 AM

Warehouse Management System (WMS) has become an invaluable tool for manufacturing and distribution companies attempting to maximize warehouse operations. Let's explore some essential functions and suitable criteria for picking the correct WMS. If you desire a further in-depth understanding of WMS and solutions, speak with a WMS expert today.

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What is an ERP system? Do all businesses need one?

By Pradeep Kushwah | Oct 18, 2023 9:09:15 AM

Businesses in today's digital era always search for ways to optimize operations and remain competitive. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions have proven an invaluable way of optimizing operations. But, what exactly is an ERP solution, and does every business require one? Let's understand this further. 

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Accounts Payable Process: Eliminating The Pain Points

By Amanda Diflorio | Sep 26, 2023 2:03:52 PM

The world of finance operations is stressful, why not eliminate some problems that are causing your team stress.  Accounts Payable (AP) tasks can become undeniably stressful. Dealing with manual error and  hours are spent sorting through piles of paper invoices. Take control of your financial data with AP automation.

In this blog we will discuss how AP automation can save your business time and money. While enhancing your interactions with partners, suppliers, and customers.

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How to Solve Your Cloud Hosting Challenges: 5 Essential Tips and Tricks

By Pradeep Kushwah | Sep 18, 2023 2:38:35 PM

Cloud hosting has become an essential tool for companies of all sizes and industriеs. The convenience and power of cloud hosting often come with specific challenges, such as migration and security. BAASS Businеss Solutions, a trustеd lеadеr in cloud hosting sеrvicеs, undеrstands thеsе pain points and offеrs solutions suit to your unique business nееds. In this blog post, we'll еxplorе common cloud hosting challеngеs and how BAASS Cloud Hosting can address thеm еffеctivеly. 

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